Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dudleyspinner Relates the Tale "Ride 'Em Sheep Girl"

       Ride 'Em Sheep Girl
 The True Story of a Girl and Her Sheep

I believe it was about the time she began to talk, that Meghan said she wanted a horse.  She got "My Little Ponies". She said it was not the same as a horse.  A little older, Meg got Breyer horses, and a small barn to be put together, just the right size for the Breyer plastic horses. She said it was not the same as a real horse,  this was a poor substitute for a real horse.

There were other pets of course.  Daphne, our goat, that showed Meghan the miracle of birth.
 Freedom, the big black lab mutt that went everywhere she did.
 Cleo the calico cat that had been her pillow since birth. Cleo had always been there, because Cleo was a guest at our wedding.

 There were mama cats that needed to have collars knit for them by Meghan. With her large number 10 needles and pink yarn, yards of lacy collars and leashes were made. Knitting spools were employed to make rugs for the doll house, and

There were sheep and bottle lambs to be fed. Like "Savory".  When asked why the lamb was named Savory Meg said, this is a farm and we raise our own food.

We found a wounded  nighthawk, Fred. Fred's wing was injured and we called the Game warden asking him to come take the bird to a rehab shelter. He said there isn't one, and to feed the bird cat food.  Fred made it to show and tell and was fascinating to feed. How can a bird have a mouth that large?

Squeechy, a tiny, cute, little screech owl, the game warden brought us to raise. Squeechy made strange noises at night and clacked his beak at you, trying to intimidate you. You get funny looks at the grocery store when you ask for chicken necks at the meat department. For my owl, does not help the make you appear more normal.

 Baku, a Red Tail Hawk,  that was the strongest of all the birds. His talons were strong enough to break your hand. Baku was set free after his wing was healed.

There were any number of peeps, that grew into chickens. That filled our dinner table and egg basket.

But, there was still no horse.

As a hand spinner, I had wanted a black sheep for many years. Almost as long as Meghan had wanted that horse to ride. Many sad stories of lambs brought home from the auction barn with visions of glossy black fleece, could be told.  Those lofty visions dashed once again, when the lamb would  sicken and die.

Midnight survived. Meghan loved Midnight through many illnesses.Sleeping in the sheep barn  to keep her  lamb safe and warm. After watching Mutton Busting at the  the county fair one year Meghan halter broke Midnight. We did not have a halter so Meghan knit one out of barnyard twine. One day Meghan asked me come watch her with Midnight. I went out expecting to see some new trick that Meg had gotten Midnight to do. She had the sheep trained to walk up her teeter totter and wait for it to come back down, calmly walking off the board.  Her patience with the  Ewe was remarkable. The next thing  you know Meghan put on the halter and started riding Midnight around the pasture. It was one of those things you know you should not laugh, but could not help but at least giggle. Her feet dangling about six inches from the ground and trotting around the grassy pasture. A sight to behold! Ride 'Em  Sheep Girl!

Meghan finally did get a horse a few years later. When the sheep were long gone. Watching Meghan barrel race was never as rib tickling as watching her riding Midnight, her feet just inches off the ground.


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