Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Zann's Aurora Angels

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Zann writes:
"Which brings me to my Aurora Angels....for years, I've made angels of white roving, hung them in my car, around the house, given them for gifts. I've always thought that angelic beings were rendered well in the medium of unspunwool - ethereal, airy, spirit wisps....
Recently I decided to make some of dyed roving (again Deb Brandt's Dudleyspinner creation), and oh my, the outcome was Aurora Angels:"

Zann's blog
I think these are so creative and beautiful! I can imagine a whole Christmas tree decorated with these lovely angels.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ellen's Hats

Ellen Champion created these hats with dudleyspinner roving! They are just gorgeous. They will be available at the Handweaver's Guild of Boulder annual show and sale in Longmont, Colorado, in December.